This view of the round house, a meeting place overlooking the lake, is located in Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation, Ontario. The name, Nigigoonsiminikaaning means “The place where little otterberries grow.”
In an effort to link you to language revitalization resources and topics of interest, we recommend the sources below.
Seven Generations Education Institute (SGEI)
First Nation Education Initiative Inc. (FNEII)
Rainy River District School Board
UNESCO – Assessing Language Vitality and Endangerment
Personal Persistence, Identity Development, and Suicide
A Study of Native and Non-Native North American Adolescents (Michael J. Chandler, University of British Columbia; Christopher E. Lalonde, University of Victoria; Bryan W. Sokol, Simon Fraser University, Darcy Hallett, University of British Columbia)
Identity and the Language of the Classroom: Investigating the Impact of Heritage Versus Second Language Instruction on Personal and Collective Self-Esteem (Stephen Wright, Donald Taylor)
Erik Erikson and Self-Identity