Say It First

Indigenous Language Revitalization

Language revitalization is an important effort happening across many First Nations communities.
In Thunder Bay and northwestern Ontario, one way it's happening is through a platform called Anishinaabemodaa.
It was created in partnership with Seven Generations Education Institute, SayITFirst, and the Rainy River District School Board.
The learning tool was rolled out in 68 classrooms last year, with plans to expand to more later this year.
Hear from the founder of SayITFirst Mike Parkhill in an interview on CBC Superior Morning.

The Elders Speak

Brent Tookenay-CEO of Seven Generations Educational Institute


“SayITFirst has been a real catalyst for Seven Generations Educational Institute and our partnership with the Rainy River District School Board.  It has allowed us to become a driving force in the revitalization of Native Languages.”